Our company gives great importance to the quality of the products it makes. Ensure high quality means carefully select all materials used and their origins. Follow each step in the process of development and production in details. Outsource work only under the expert hands of the best craftsmen so that they can transmit, to our collections and to each product,our passion and their skills acquired

over the years. To be able to give a concrete example of this commitment,we decided to embrace a campaign in support of the quality and craftsmanship called "Handmade Quality Campaign." Every product from our collection, which is made entirely by hand by our craftsmen is equipped with the quality label "I AM ENTIRELY HANDMADE".
Even if wood can be considered a simple material, work on it to obtain high standard products requires a lot of attention and special cares. We select and buy the best oak wood and we hand treat it with bee wax so as to make it soft at touch and bright at seen...
The material used for our stools is eco-leather. The seat is fully padded and hand-stitched and the final result is the same that can be obtained by using real leather, but the use of soft faux leather do not hurt animals and do not harm at all upon ecosystem or the environment.
Jingdezhen is a city also known as the "City of Porcelain", because for more than 2000 years, this valuable material is processed within its furnaces. Our ceramic products are handmade there, where several Chinese Dynasties have made their vases in the past centuries...
Even though our clock is made in ABS plastic, it seems like velvet when touched. This because after the injection of the plastic into the mold we apply another layer in order to give that velvet and soft result.
The metal used to obtain the gold base in our vases is hand-made. The rough material is cleaned, curved, joined by hand and all this phases are done by the same craftsman that follows the entire manufacture of the base. This process in order to make every product unique and special as the ceramic vase located in the upper part.